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Where Fear & Weapons Meet


Album Description
Revelation: 74 Traditional, fun, catchy hardcore. Been done before? Sure. Being done now? Yup. But, how many do it well and can really write great songs? Enter the new heroes of hardcore... Where Fear And Weapons Meet.

When guitarist John Wylie contacted South Florida drummer Jason Lederman, singer Alex Roundhouse, and bassist Ryan Primack the idea was as simple as their sound: to play straight forward hardcore.

Although their lyrics are positive, the band tries to shy away from messages and politics. Instead, they concentrate on writing songs that they enjoy playing. Where Fear And Weapons Meet wear their influences on their sleeve as their sound is similar to that of 7 Seconds, Sick Of All, and Dag Nasty. "We grew up listening to cool bands that played powerful, tight, fast, hardcore" says drummer Jason, "No technical stuff. That's what Where Fear And Weapons Meet is all about". If you've never heard of the band before, that's because they've only played a handful of shows in their homestate of Florida and have never released so much as a 7" prior to this point. But, all of that is about to change as WFAWM prepares to release their debut, self titled 7" on Revelation Records (with a full length to follow in the spring) and embarks on a full US tour this winter. The secret is out.


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ミュージック:[WHERE THE EARTH IS ROTTING AWAY を通販で購入する(予約する)]

↓↓↓↓Where Fear & Weapons Meet↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Where Fear & Weapons Meet
↑↑↑↑Where Fear & Weapons Meet↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

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