音楽:A South Bronx Story, Vol. 2 を ネットで探す

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A South Bronx Story, Vol. 2


Album Details
Nearly 25 years after their debut, this NY quartet were a major influence on Post-Punk, Rap, No Wave and House music. Following up from the amazing South Bronx Story, this collection features rare recordings that are just as good as anything the Scroggins sisters released during their heyday. 12 tracks including 'Bam Bam Jam', 'Six Pack' (Original Version), 'I Wanna Dance' and more. Souljazz. 2007.

Album Description
South Bronx Story Two Gathers Together Rarities from the Group's 25 Year Career (And Still Going Strong!). Featuring Alternate Mixes of Classic Tracks Such as "You're No Good", Alongside the Legendary New York Cut-up Mix of "Moody" and "The Beat"(Dance to the Beat of Moody), as Well as Super-rare Tracks, Out of Print for Over Twenty Years Make this Album Essential for Any Esg Fan.

↓↓↓↓A South Bronx Story, Vol. 2↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
A South Bronx Story, Vol. 2
↑↑↑↑A South Bronx Story, Vol. 2↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

CD 販売のバナー広告



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